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Ways freelancers can diversify their income
Many people are drawn to freelancing because of the lifestyle and career freedom it affords. However, the lack of stability can be stressful. During the pandemic and following economic uncertainty, some freelancers have watched their work shift or outright disappear, prompting an urgent need to find new ways to earn an income. Even those who […]
Webinar: The Freelancer Starter Kit
This is the Canadian Freelance Guild’s biggest event ever with six panelists and a moderator with a broad range of freelance skills, expertise, and experience: writers, authors, teachers, journalists, marketers, a magazine editor, a publisher, and an audio-video producer. They’re gathering for a weekend workshop to show you what’s in the Freelancer Starter Kit: the […]
Questions to help you reflect and plan for 2025
There are all sorts of positive reasons to spend time reflecting on your business, asking questions and planning. Things like reducing anxiety, improving clarity and encouraging creativity. But making the time to work on your business instead of in your business? Sometimes more difficult than it seems. A while back I purchased a self-paced digital […]
3 ways freelancers can build trust with clients
Are you wondering how freelancers can build trust with clients? The goal here is to develop trusting, long-term relationships. How you do this is by establishing trust and being someone your client can count on.
Balancing freelance work with creative projects
by Robyn Roste One damp, dreary winter’s night I sat in bed staring at my phone. I felt the same as usual—bored and listless. On paper everything was great, my days were filled with work, friends and activities. The problem? I fell into bed each night drained rather than energized. I did a quick review […]
3 Social Media Posting Formulas for Service-Based Freelancers
by Robyn Roste Having an online presence helps potential clients learn more about who you are, what you do and why they should hire you. And while most freelancers understand this, it’s still easy to overlook social media as an important piece of any online content marketing strategy. Regardless of its positive or negative impact, […]
Freelancer Organization Tips
by Robyn Roste When I began freelancing things were straightforward. Someone would ask me for an article and I would write it. I’d write whenever I felt like it and I’d invoice when I remembered. It sort of worked. But when I decided I wanted to make a real go of freelancing, I realized I […]
Finding Better Clients Through Positioning
by Robyn Roste Last year was a good freelance year for me, but by the fourth quarter I was feeling spread thin. In theory I knew what I needed—fewer, higher paying clients—but I was tired of guessing and muddling my way through. I wanted someone to draw me a road map. In December, I hired […]
Why Freelancers in Marketing and Communications Should Have an Email List
by Robyn Roste If you spend any time studying online marketing you’ve come across advice to start an email list. And if you’re a typical freelancer who gets most of your work from referrals you may think you don’t need one. I get it. On the surface it doesn’t make sense. Why would you collect […]
Why Should Freelancers Have a Blog?
by Robyn Roste Should freelancers have a blog? Is there any value in blogging these days? These are the questions. We’ve all heard we should blog, but there isn’t a lot of talk about why we should or what we should blog about. Since revamping my blog a year ago I’ve had a lot of discussions […]