‘Bit of fun’
Do you whistle while you work?
One of the perks of working from home is having more control over your work environment. Sure, there may be other people sharing your space, and the next-door neighbour’s barking dog might be a bother from time to time, but for the most part, you are the master of your work space. Want to work […]
In praise of praise
Working independently has its benefits, but consistently receiving encouragement and thanks is not one of them. Editors don’t always take—or have—the time to give positive feedback and, when dealing with freelancers, some employers think putting a cheque in the mail is praise enough. Some days, it isn’t. “Is there an app for that? No, but […]
Writers and Editors Voice Support for Occupy Movement
OccupyWriters.com is providing a platform for authors and editors who want to lend their names, and their work, to the Occupy Movement. As of today, more than 900 names are listed on the site under the statement: “We, the undersigned writers and all who will join us, support Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement […]
The view from over here
Do journalists working in various media really perceive each other like the above image suggests? Of course, David Cohn, who made the chart, is having a bit of fun with the stereotypes about people who work in print versus broadcast versus online versus data journalism. But, joking aside, it seems worthwhile to ask how deeply […]
F*ck you. Pay me. Mike Monteiro’s advice for getting paid as a freelancer
If you’ve ever had trouble collecting payment from a client, this video is for you. Mike Monteiro, co-founder of Mule Design Studio gives his provocative (and sometimes profane) tips for protecting yourself as an independent contractor.
WANTED: Freelance writer (or best offer)
Is this what the publishing world has come to that companies in search of freelance writers must resort to Craigslist?
Happy Birthday, Marshall McLuhan
One hundred years ago today, Herbert Marshall McLuhan was born in Edmonton. By the time he passed in 1980, his profound impact on media and communications theory made him a scholarly figure known worldwide and affectionately idolized in Canada. No one finishes j-school in this country without reading his work (and sweating out an essay […]
So, what happened at the NMAs?
Ah, the National Magazine Awards. A night that begins with expectations and ends, so the legend goes, with a chocolate fountain. For an authoritative roundup of the night from an attendee, award winner, and all-around NMA expert, read DB Scott’s highlights on the Canadian Magazines blog (you can also read a portion of his acceptance […]
Canadian Magazine Freelancers Survey: The results
The big day is here! Tonight, the National Magazine Awards will be handed out at the annual awards gala, where Canada’s journalists will sashay down the red carpet in their designer duds and borrowed gems from Tiffany’s, wave to the screaming crowds and pose for the paparazzi, stopping now and then to sign their fans’ […]
Take the Canadian magazine freelancers survey
Gearing up for the NMAs this month, we thought a survey on the state of magazine freelancing in Canada was in order. It’s also a chance to take your own picks for the best work in Canadian magazines last year (see the NMAF’s list of nominees). Results of the survey will be published here on Friday, June 10, the date of the NMA gala.