Forget time, try these 3 tips for working on energy management

This article about energy management for freelancers is written by Suzanne Bowness, a longtime freelance writer/editor whose book The Feisty Freelancer: A Friendly Guide to Visioning, Planning, and Growing Your Writing Business was published in January 2025 by Dundurn Press. Find out more about the book at

Forget time, try these 3 tips for working on energy management

A couple of weeks into the new year’s resolution season and you’ve no doubt read more than a few articles about goal setting, habit forming and time management. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a resolution fan. That’s why I wanted to add a new prescription to the mix: energy management.

How to navigate energy management as a freelancer

For me, managing my energy means paying attention to when my energy levels are strongest, and planning my most focused work for those windows. In doing so, I harness the quality of my time as well as the quantity. After all, if you could get twice as much work done at your peak energy level as you do in your low energy, isn’t that like making time?

Here are a couple of ways to find your flow and go with it:

Use your high energy windows for focused work

Maybe you’re already familiar with the hours when you tend to be most productive. Maybe you’ve been fighting them. As a certified night person, I know that early morning is not my best time despite how virtuous some people make it sound. Late morning is when I hit my stride, and same with mid afternoon. So that’s when I schedule my deep work, from writing an article to editing a report to planning client outreach.

In those important hours between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. (hello from my desk at 3:45 p.m. writing this post!), I’m the strongest version of myself, more impervious to email or social media distraction. So I protect these windows. I even augment them by shutting down distractions entirely, often keeping just writing program open, my notifications on silent.

If you want to confirm what time windows work for you, spend a few days tracking what hours bring the most energy. After you’ve identified your focus time, think about how you can start planning your work around them.

A caveat here: while I’m a night person, I also know I have to live in the world alongside my clients, and most of them are at their desks from 9 to 5. So while I might jive with a workday from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., I balance what’s realistic for doing a great business. At the same time, I never plan meetings for 9 a.m. unless a client specifically requests it (grrr).

Use your downtime too

Just as you can treat your high energy windows as sacred, you can also make the most of your low energy. Fill them with those boring but necessary tasks that keep your work and life running. To prepare myself for these fallow periods, I keep a list of low-energy tasks that need doing so that I can take them up in these periods. As a freelancer, some regular ones include invoicing, bookkeeping, and planning client outreach. Others that pop up might include research a new tech tool, background reading for an upcoming story assignment, worrying about AI, or learning the new particulars of a style guide update.

Make the most of your breaks

Ironically, another way to build energy is taking time off. I find this works at the macro level as well as in the daily context. While vacations take me away from my work, they also fill me up with fresh energy in the long term. If I’m ever feeling grumpy about overwork, I try to plan a long weekend to give myself the space I need to refill my energy.

Even though I’m self-employed and could work non-stop, I try to build in regular breaks and fill them with something other than work, whether it’s 20 minutes of TV or a walk outside. That bit of space and distraction really helps refresh my mind before returning to my desk, and put it into that higher energy zone I need to do more work.

Speaking of which, it’s time….

Posted on January 22, 2025 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT

How freelancers can respond to crisis in a proactive way

by Robyn Roste

Freelancing at the best of times is a careful balance of optimism, drive and risk.

So when a crisis, like a global pandemic and looming economic recession, hits, this balance is upended, thrusting freelancers into limbo where everything is uncertain, leaving us desperate for stability.

At the outset of any traumatic event, common emotions are shock, denial, anger, depression, fear, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness.

And it makes sense. We’re facing a threat, which is causing great stress to every aspect of our lives.

In any crisis situation we have to make choices, which will impact our future freelance business—although we may not be sure how.

Many of us have seen contracts cancelled, clients bail and projects put on indefinite hold. So how should we respond?

Do we close up shop and wait for the storm to pass? Do we slash rates and take anything that comes up, grateful for the work we do have? Or do we hold firm to our pricing and risk bringing nothing in?

Here are three suggestions for how freelancers can respond to crisis in a proactive way.
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Posted on January 14, 2025 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: ,

Webinar: Digital Marketing for Freelancers

Marketing your services has undergone a sea change since the turn of the century: it’s digital, it’s everywhere, and it’s changing almost daily.

Digital Marketing for Freelancers

New platforms, new tools, new ways of doing things.

Do any of the traditional rules apply?

Let’s ask our very own experts. We’re putting this panel together as this is being written.

Turn this into a Master Class with your questions about this essential activity for freelancers.

CFG Experts Workshop – Digital Marketing for Freelancers

You can register for this webinar right here.

Learn more about the cost and benefits of membership in the CFG on this webpage.

The link to the Zoom webinar will be sent to you via email about half an hour before the start time.

Please check your spam or junk folders if you can’t find the email, and contact if you haven’t received the link 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. This webinar will be recorded and posted to the CFG Video-On-Demand site. Once posted, all paid registrants will receive a link and instructions on how to view.

Posted on January 10, 2025 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: 

Webinar: The Business of Travel Media

It’s not all fine dining and glamour. But if you like to write and you yearn to travel, why not turn travel media into your niche?

The Business of Travel Media

Our experts will walk you through what it takes to make a success of it, from a personal and a business point of view.

Come with your questions for people who’ve done it and continue to earn revenue and bylines doing what they love.

CFG Experts Workshop – The Business of Travel Media

You can register for this webinar right here.

Learn more about the cost and benefits of membership in the CFG on this webpage.

The link to the Zoom webinar will be sent to you via email about half an hour before the start time.

Please check your spam or junk folders if you can’t find the email, and contact if you haven’t received the link 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. This webinar will be recorded and posted to the CFG Video-On-Demand site. Once posted, all paid registrants will receive a link and instructions on how to view.

Posted on January 6, 2025 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: 

5 financial resolutions freelancers should make for the New Year

This article about New Year’s resolutions for freelancers is written by Vanessa Chiasson, a freelance writer based in Ottawa who specializes in travel and human interest stories.

December is a quintessential time to ponder what New Year’s resolutions might make your shortlist. While it’s fun to commit to reading more books or trying new food, I think freelancers should commit to some additional resolutions, ones that focus on finances. Here are five to consider.

Five financial resolutions freelancers should make for the New Year

Stock image of a young woman sitting on a couch wearing headphones and looking at her laptop. This is to illustrate the article on New Year's resolutions for freelancers

Seek free or frugal alternatives

As a new freelancer in 2012, I happily signed up for a monthly QuickBooks subscription to track my income and expenses. I had a juicy coupon code to make it a cost-conscious choice and I felt oh-so very grown up using the same program that many “big” businesses rely on. And so I stuck with it, with few complaints, for 11 years, while the monthly cost went up incrementally as my usage remained the same. I was happy with the service; I didn’t want the hassle of switching, but my monthly bill was closing in on $60.

At the same time, my nine-year-old iPhone was beginning to show its age. Who are we kidding? It was ancient! A pricey new phone wasn’t in my budget, but when I costed things out, I noticed it was pretty much the same price as my bookkeeping program. Hmmmm. I heard friends mentioning a new alternative to QuickBooks called Wave, which was free. Could I switch and suddenly have a new iPhone without really shifting anything in my budget?

I could, and I did. I’m not advocating for anyone to use one particular kind of bookkeeping program or smartphone. But I am encouraging everyone to take a hard look at their budget and ask themselves if there are free or frugal alternatives to the systems, programs, and tools they use that would free up cash or make their lives easier. Do you really need a pro-level scheduling system for your social media posts? Are you justifying holding onto a paid app you loved in the past, but its costs have increased while your benefits have gone down? I try to find one thing I can cut, cull, or replace each year.

Shun “fun” events

When a PR firm invited me to listen to a presentation and have tea with them at a downtown hotel famous for its fancy high tea, I nearly tripped over myself in my eagerness to say yes. Who wouldn’t want all those fancy nibbles and silver service? Finally, in the middle of a dreary winter, I would enjoy one of the perks of the job!

In an effort to be as organized as possible and avoid traffic snarls, I arrived nice and early and found parking in a pricey hotel-adjacent lot. I set up my laptop at a nearby coffee shop, where I participated in a virtual Canadian Freelance Guild (CFG) meeting while biding my time. When the appointed tea time came, the hotel staff directed me not to the glitzy dining room but to the lobby beverage cart, which, yes, did indeed serve tea. This is what the PR firm meant. I could drink a cup of tea while they shared a PowerPoint presentation with their latest news. I spent half a day away from my desk, $25 on parking, and many dollars more while waiting at the coffee shop, only to enjoy a cup of chamomile. And, really, I had only myself to blame.

I’d like to think I learned from this lesson. Still, less than a month later, I eagerly walked into an embassy lobby wearing my freshly dry-cleaned suit after receiving a vaguely worded invitation to a reception. “At least this country is famous for its wine,” I thought. Surely this invitation would be worth it. Alas, the afternoon event served up… apple juice and a two-hour press conference in a language I didn’t speak.

Finally, the lesson had sunk in. Fun invitations are rarely fun, and the free event seemed to cost me a lot of money. Now I know to clarify expectations and suggest virtual coffee dates instead… or simply say thank you for thinking of me, but I won’t be attending.

Don’t leave your taxes to the last minute

When I’ve participated in CFG online events, I’m often introduced as someone who loves doing their taxes. Guilty as charged! I find something about the process curiously soothing, and I can’t help but feel a little burst of pride in every invoice and receipt. I did that. I made that money, one word at a time, and I made every single choice those receipts represent. Alas, I recognize that I’m in the minority, and few freelancers find tax time enjoyable.

However, whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, I hope you’ll resolve to never leave your taxes to the last minute. I know that tax preparation often seems relatively straightforward. After all, it’s not like many of us have to worry about commercial rent or structuring payroll, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have complicated affairs. Starting early means you have the time, energy, and access to resources you need to figure out tricky formulas and hunt down every possible deduction–or research a really awesome accountant to do it all for you.

Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate

In 2022, I tried an interesting experiment. I vowed to negotiate my rate for every single assignment. Most people go their entire lives without asking for a raise, and I promised myself I’d do so pretty much every day. I didn’t want to give myself any possible “outs,” and thus, I vowed that I’d say, “Is there any wiggle room in your budget” for each project? Sure, there were many “no”s–but my editors were always respectful and even downright encouraging. And there were A LOT of “yes”s.

Negotiating your rates requires no special technique or even a sense of confidence. It’s just a part of freelancing, right along there with pitching ideas and hunting down sources. Why not start your own negotiation experiment and see how it goes for you?

Say “no” to free work

Like many of you, I care deeply about my community and know the power of volunteering. But that doesn’t mean I work for free–and neither should you. When clients and would-be clients try to twist your arm or your heartstrings and have you contribute to social media campaigns, add on free sidebars, or sit in on staff meetings because it might be “interesting” for you, they’re asking you to work for free. Pushing the scope of an agreement, offering exposure, and sucking you into office affairs are all ways your time and talents are utilized without monetary compensation. It’s time for that to stop! Get paid for the work you do and use the resulting financial stability to volunteer for the causes you care about in your time and in your own way.

Stay supported, stay motivated

New Year’s resolutions aren’t exactly known for being effective long-term, but I think these financial resolutions are different. Their payoff is, in many cases, an actual payment. You are saving money, earning money, and having a better relationship with money in every instance. As such, I think it’s easier to stay motivated when you know the benefit isn’t something theoretical in the future but rather something you can immediately measure.

Like so many other resolutions, your success odds greatly improve with a support system. Consider organizing a virtual challenge amongst your close colleagues, setting regular check-in times to share your success, or establishing a text chain for encouragement. May your coming year of freelancing be your most financially satisfying one yet!

You may also like these finance-related resources for freelancers

Posted on December 31, 2024 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: 

Taking time off when you’re a freelancer

by Robyn Roste

As a freelancer, taking time off from work can be a scary thought.

What if an inquiry comes in while you’re away and you miss out on a great opportunity?

What if there’s a client emergency and you let them down?

And what if you go on vacation and then have no work to come back to because you stopped prospecting?

These fears are all possible scenarios so they’re important to think through. However, rest is necessary to fuel creativity and avoid burnout. So how does a freelancer take breaks without losing money, clients or opportunities? Here are a few ideas.

Calculate vacation time into your rate.

When you’re a traditional employee you receive either vacation time or vacation pay so you can take time off to rest and recuperate without the burden of financial loss. As a self-employed freelancer, you can plan for this as well.

Calculating for vacation time could be simple or complex but it all begins with the end in mind. Set your annual goal wage, add in your business and life expenses (including taxes) and add an amount for vacation.
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Posted on December 24, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor · One Comment · Tagged with: 

8 strategic tips for taking time off as a solopreneur

This article about taking time off as a solopreneur is written by Julie Barlow and Jean Benoit Nadeau, authors of Going Solo: Everything You Need to Start Your Business and Succeed as Your Own Boss.

Overhead photo of a woman wearing a hat pointing at a map to demonstrate 8 strategic tips for taking time off as a solopreneur

Solopreneurs: 8 tips for taking holidays

The holiday season can feel different when you’re self-employed. While friends with salaried jobs talk about their “time off,” self-employed workers often wonder if they can afford to take a good long break. But freelancers need to rest, relax and change gears as much as everyone else. Here are some tips on how to make sure you get all the “down time” you need.

Think of holidays as a necessity

North Americans tend to think of holidays as “perks.” Europeans know this is nonsense, but if you don’t believe them, then listen to the wisdom of public health experts. People live longer today than they did a century ago because eat better and have better health care, but also because we take holidays and weekend breaks. The bottom line is: if you want to last in your field, you need to rest.

Take your holidays seriously

It’s tempting for the self-employed to take bits of time off here and there, whenever they can, which usually means whenever work is slow. The result is that you won’t actually end up taking holidays at all. It takes a while to truly forget about work and recharge our batteries. Self-employed workers are no exception. How much down time do you need? Psychologists have never agreed on how much down time is necessary, but two weeks is probably the minimum.

Open a holidays savings account

How can you afford to take holidays when they aren’t “paid for”? There’s an easy solution: build up a surplus of money to pay yourself to take time off. Saving money becomes simpler when it’s a habit. Every time you get paid, take 10% off your check. It has to be automatic. You need to remove the money immediately and systematically for each payment. If 10% hurts, start with 5%. If you end up with more money than you need for your next holiday, hold on to it for future breaks.

Put your holiday money out of reach

Your holidays savings won’t do any good if you use them to pay for a new kitchen floor. Holiday savings should be stored somewhere that’s hard to reach, like in a TSFA, to prevent “impulse” withdrawals. Another idea is to open a mutual fund where you place savings above a certain threshold, say $3,000. The return will be better, but, more importantly, again, the funds will be harder to withdraw. Whatever you do, make up your mind not to touch the amount set aside except to pay for holidays (or to cover emergencies).

Clean up the office before you go

Self-employed workers have to prepare for their holidays. When you leave, your accountant, president, sales team and credit manager leave too. There will be no one left to collect accounts receivable, call new prospects or cash cheques. So think ahead. Make sure bills are paid and appointments are set up for after your holidays. If you can’t finish up projects before your departure, leave yourself a note about what needs to be done when you get back. It sounds like a lot of prep work for a holiday, but it pays off in peace of mind while you are away.

Automate your office as much as possible

To make preparation easier, it’s a good idea to automate as much as possible. You can schedule social media postings and email send outs while you are away. Most bills can now be paid with automatic payments. Just make sure you have the funds available to cover payments while you are away. Having an overdraft on your bank account is a good backup in case funds run short. One less thing to worry about when you are away.

Give your clients notice

It’s hard for self-employed workers to resist the temptation of being “available” all the time, even when they are away. The fear of missing a sale or leaving a client hanging nags us all. But you can’t be “available” and be on holidays at the same time. Every email application has an out of office notice, so make sure you use yours. To regular clients, write a friendly email with your departure and return dates and whom to contact in case of an emergency, telling them you look forward to seeing them when you get back. The note prevents misunderstandings with clients who wonder why you aren’t answering their emails, but also reminds you to ignore emails while you’re away.

Be confident: your clients will understand

Clients are more understanding than self-employed workers tend to think (or fear). They take holidays, too! If you’re good at what you do and if your product is top quality, clients won’t pass you over for a future contract because you went away for two weeks. The fact that you are willing to take holidays shows you are organized and confident and sends the message that your business is doing well. Your clients will be happy to find you relaxed, refreshed and ready to work when you get back to the office.

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Posted on December 17, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT

Ways freelancers can diversify their income

Many people are drawn to freelancing because of the lifestyle and career freedom it affords. However, the lack of stability can be stressful.

During the pandemic and following economic uncertainty, some freelancers have watched their work shift or outright disappear, prompting an urgent need to find new ways to earn an income.

Even those who haven’t noticed a significant impact on their workload are facing an unclear future, unsure if the work will continue.

Seasoned freelancers have been preaching income stream diversification for many years. Having several revenue streams creates space for dry spells, losing anchor clients and even vacations.

In times of plenty, it’s easy to fall into the trap of coasting, pulling back on our marketing or delaying income diversification. Preparing for rainy days seems unthinkable when the sun is shining and there’s not a cloud in the sky.

But now that the storm is here, it’s time to get creative.

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Posted on December 10, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: 

Freelancer Checklist: 6 Tips to End the Year in Style

This article overviewing this year-end freelance checklist is written by Vanessa Chiasson, a freelance writer based in Ottawa who specializes in travel and human interest stories.

Overhead photo of accounting items part of a year-end freelancer checklist

A freelancer’s work is never done, but towards the end of December, it sure does slow down.

Check off these 6 year-end freelancer checklist items before signing out on 2024

Year-end is an opportunity to rest, relax and reconnect with friends and family, and we usually have plenty of time to do this as most of our clients are also on holiday. But before you pop the cork on your New Year’s Eve champagne, ensure you’ve taken care of these small but essential year-end tasks.

Corral your receipts

If you’re like me, you probably have little stashes of business-related receipts hidden around your office, your house, and even your vehicle. Before they risk accidental elimination in a January deep clean, gather them up now and save them for tax time. Don’t forget to check the pockets of coats, crevices of backpacks, and little storage cubbies in your car.

Send e-cards to clients and collaborators

Isn’t it funny how some of our biggest and best clients are people we’ve never met, perhaps haven’t even spoken to on the phone? Yet freelancing success is heavily reliant on relationships! Consider sending your clients, collaborators, and other VIPs a simple, sincere, non-denominational seasonal card to express your appreciation. You might feel a bit funny about sending holiday-themed cards when you don’t know the recipients very well but a well-timed card is fun, festive, and appreciated by all.

Prepare a “how to work with me” post

Everyone’s aware that you offer photography classes on the side, right? And surely everyone knows that you edit resumes in addition to magazines? Maybe not. While you might feel that you’re constantly going on about your various business ventures and offerings, chances are that your social media audience is much less aware of this than you think. Consider drafting a “how to work with me in the New Year” post for LinkedIn and your most popular social networks to let people know you’re eager for connections and have much to offer.

Cancel auto-subscriptions you no longer need

Many programs and subscriptions auto-renew on January 1. Now’s the time to take stock. What is genuinely helpful in your personal and professional life, and what are you keeping out of a sense of guilt or obligation (or have forgotten about)? Would your pocketbook be happier if you finally axed that social media scheduler you never use? Would your work be easier if you stopped paying for a pro design program and instead invested in some new editing software?

Don’t forget about promotional rates that are about to expire on various subscriptions. I’ve found a simple message on the respective company’s online chat feature helps me save. I explain that I’m a freelancer and I want to know if there’s anything they can do to help me with their rates. There are often unpromoted coupon codes they can apply to your account.

Update privacy policies

Do you have a blog, a shop or anything else with some fine print at the bottom of your website? Chances are there’s a line buried there that alludes to the years your privacy policy is valid. It’s a little update but a good one to take care of before the calendar changes.

Take photos of your car’s odometer

What’s the last thing you should do this year? Snap a photo of your car’s odometer. A portion of all your vehicle-related expenses can be claimed on your taxes, but you have to document things carefully. Are 5% of your car kilometres related to your work? 25%? More? You’ll need to know how far you’ve driven in a given year to calculate that percentage, and this calculation begins and ends with your odometer reading.

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Posted on December 5, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT

Webinar: The Freelancer Starter Kit

This is the Canadian Freelance Guild’s biggest event ever with six panelists and a moderator with a broad range of freelance skills, expertise, and experience: writers, authors, teachers, journalists, marketers, a magazine editor, a publisher, and an audio-video producer.

They’re gathering for a weekend workshop to show you what’s in the Freelancer Starter Kit: the basics you need to get a freelance career underway and keep it going.

Freelance Starter Kit

Whether you’re thinking about a slow rollout or jumping in with both feet, someone here has been there, done that, and has either the T-shirt or the scars to prove it.

Our Presenters

CFG Experts Workshop – The Freelancer Starter Kit

You can register for this webinar right here.

Learn more about the cost and benefits of membership in the CFG on this webpage.

The link to the Zoom webinar will be sent to you via email about half an hour before the start time.

Please check your spam or junk folders if you can’t find the email, and contact if you haven’t received the link 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. This webinar will be recorded and posted to the CFG Video-On-Demand site. Once posted, all paid registrants will receive a link and instructions on how to view.

Posted on November 27, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: