12 ways to repurpose old content to create new content

This article about repurposing content is written by Vanessa Chiasson, a freelance writer based in Ottawa who specializes in travel and human interest stories.

If there’s one thing that freelancers know, it’s that you can pour your heart and soul into a project, and sometimes it just doesn’t work out.

12 ways to repurpose old content to create new content

Here are 12 ways to repurpose old content for profit and creativity

Not everything you craft is going to find a home. Brilliant stories will be rejected. Beautiful paragraphs get cut. Blog posts die on page three of Google. You can’t win them all, but you can recycle, reuse and repurpose.

Create a “from the vault” segment in your newsletter using an old, unloved blog post or photo

You get to highlight a “blast from the past” piece for your audience AND you have one section of your newsletter that essentially creates itself.

Create a newsletter “spotlight”

For instance, re-share all your recipes with red ingredients or chocolate as part of a Valentine’s Day spotlight.

Transform old blog posts, images, or videos and create an FAQ section on your website

Use the material to answer frequently asked questions about your professional services. It will be SEO-friendly and might reduce repetitive inquiries.

Create a roundup post

For example, if you have a collection of articles or videos about Atlantic Canada that aren’t getting much traffic, it’s time to repackage them. Create a roundup blog post that packages all those one-off pieces as a one-stop shop for information.

Take an old post off your blog, update it, and then have a friend post it on their site (with a lovely bio showcasing you as the author)

You, in turn, do the same for them. Now you both have fresh content that will reach a new audience, complete with valuable backlinks. (You can do the same thing with stories that just haven’t sold.)

Sell your underperforming blog stories

Just because the article on your website isn’t doing anything for you doesn’t mean you can’t take it down, freshen it up, and sell it to another site. Many publications want exclusive, just-for-them material, so make sure your draft has been thoroughly updated.

Create an e-book

Maybe those under-used interviews and research materials can be transformed into a mini-book. How about old articles you retain the rights to but can’t rehome? E-book!

Reuse old research material as new teaching material

People love to learn, and that desire is not limited by subject matter or style. Do you give presentations or tutorials? You can repurpose your research and create new teaching with it!

You can also use old research material to create videos for social media

Your how-to instructions can become mini video lessons. Your funny stories will come alive when people hear you tell them in your voice!

Tweak an old story draft to give it a new direction

For instance, an article about what to see and do in Paris (with accompanying restaurant suggestions) might resonate more with editors if it was an article on where to eat in Paris (with accompanying tips on what to see and do).

Use that old story, photo series, or interview to inspire a one-act play, a novella, or a script

Why not? When was the last time you took a creative flight of fancy?

Ask AI tools like ChatGPT to suggest ideas

We often don’t see the potential in old material because we are used to considering it in one specific way. Take a step back and have things analyzed through an unemotional lens. If you aren’t comfortable with AI tools, consider brainstorming ideas with a colleague.

Posted on April 2, 2024 at 6:00 am by editor ·

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